March is the perfect time for Spring clean ups and spreading mulch. Mulch is any type of material that is spread or laid over the surface of the soil as a covering. It is used to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, keep the soil cool and make the garden bed look more attractive. Organic mulches also help improve the soil’s fertility, as they decompose.
Examples of organic mulches include:
∗ Bark, Shredded or Chipped
* Compost
* Composted Manure
* Grass Clippings
* Newspaper
* Shredded Leaves
* Straw
Organic mulch will decompose and have to be replaced, however in the process it will also improve your soil’s fertility and, of course, its organic content. Generally the dryer and woodier the mulch, the slower it will decompose and the less nutrients it will give to the soil.
It pays to know the origin of manure, compost and straw, since these materials can contain viable weed seeds. The last thing you want is to spread a mulch that is going to start sprouting.